International Public Affairs and Media Runtu Yuri

Юри Рюнтю: литературный дневник

International PublicAffairs and Media Ryuntyu Yuri / / / / 2023

Senior Consultant in International Public Affairs and Media Relations /
Company Name RT: 'Russia Today'; TV - Radio _ Moscow Russia / London UK / Paris France /

Dates Employed Jan 2015 – Present / /

Employment Duration 2 yrs 3 mos / /

Location Great Barrier Reef _ Central Cairns, QLD Australia 4870 /

17 media: / /

1 media: N-1: DVD-2 / /

2001 / dvd - 2 / journalist _ writer / ryuntyu.jpg / Made in Australia / 27 books by academician Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu / Professional Writer and Journalist /

Queensland State Government of Australia on March 22, 2017 accepted an amendment to the criminal code to remove the so-called ' gay panic defence ' - crime of manslaughter. Successfully using --- section 304 of the Criminal Code ( ' killing --- gay people' on provocation) reduced the criminal responsibility to manslaughter, meaning the defendant avoided life in Australian jail. The passing of this legislation sends an important message that discrimination is not acceptable in 2017.

' Queensland’s criminal code ---- must not be seen to condone violence --- against the gay community, or indeed any community today ( since 2017 ) , ' said in a statement the Queensland’s Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Md. Yvette D’Ath.

Md. Yvette D’Ath said : ' The passing of this legislation sends an important message that discrimination is not acceptable and that we value the LGBTI ( any of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, and intersex) community... '

Today in 2017 --- Government of South Australia ( Adelaide, SA ) is now the only state allowing the ' extrime raicist gay panic - defence law ' --- since 1950.

Being labelled ' a homosexual ' ( or ' lesbian ' , ' gay ' , ' bisexual ', ' transsexual ' , and ' intersex ' ) --- can bring about your death in any Australian State and the Northern Territory since 1950 --- even if you're not one of the fore mentioned ( Australian citizen or temporary oversees tourist from : NZ, Africa, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, China, Russia, USA, Canada, Japan, India or from Moon or Mars) .

That law is a danger not only to ' homosexuals ' --- but a danger to anyone.

Anyone can say ' ... he / she threatened me.. ' and get out of a man- woman-slaughter charge in domestic violence situations between neighbours and family members across Australia for the last 67 years ( 1950 - 2017 March 22).

The so-called ' Gay Panic Defence Law ' - homophobic law is a simple weaponry which has given --- The Australian Parlament and State Goverments to its own citizens as A CONSTITUTIONAL AUSTRALIAN LICENSE TO KILL and as well as A LEGAL INVITATION FOR TO MURDER --- on any streets in a violent situation and to shoot anyone.

Australian writer and journalist Cairns QLD / Academician Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu :

'The passing of this legislation sends an important message that discrimination was not acceptable in 2016.'

Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu at 67 ( born in 1949 ) 2017 Cairns QLD Australia 4870 .

Мне по душе - этот Университет в Калифорнии США с моими книгами о России с 10 по 21 век. // // USA / Stanford University Libraries / academician Ryuntyu , Yuri Matthew: Australia - National Library Australia , Canberra ACT/

International PublicAffairs and Media Ryuntyu Yuri for --- LGBT communities _ Gay Culture _ Local Police Activity and Constitutional Low in QLD _ Local Politics _ Local LGBT discrimination in North QLD _ International Social Media News : Radio TV - basic reports 2005 - 2017 / Since 2001 : Adding affiliates and partners into the equation, MSLGROUP’s reach increases to 4,000 employees in 83 countries. /

Photo: Australlian Writer and Journalist Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu at home / Cairns QLD Australia

Yuri Matt Ryuntyu / Yuri Matt Runtu : ' Why do we need these? Because we need life experience from these people and only on the basis of life experience can we make predictions for the future without states self-destruction and international wars... We have in Russia two hundred year old theaters, two hundred and fifty years of ballet and music as well as a great and the most fascinating literature and poetry to be found in the world which is over five hundred years old. Be proud to keep this tradition fruitful from the heart... ' /

2017 : Юрий Матвеевич Рюнтю : runtu / Мефистофель говорит: " Дай людям лишь слова - не станут поверять, какая мысль в них может заключаться ". " Gewoknlich glaubt der Mensch, wenn er nur Worte hort, Es musse sich dabai doch auch was denken lassen " / /

2017 : Юрий Матвеевич Рюнтю : runtu / От автора: Западную Литературу Пишут Россияне - приобщенные к Великой Русской Культуре с Детства и Юности в России / /

2017 : Юрий Матвеевич Рюнтю : runtu / О себе : ВСЕ - тексты моей странички на ПРОЗА-ру : а их 3103 числом - ПОГОЛОВНО ВЗЯТЫ - из моих 27 книг на 11,000 книжных страниц - по Культуре и Истории Великой России : 21 Века - на диске ДВД-2 / DVD-2 : 2006 , что : я закончил в июне 2005 в России и издано в Австралии ( январь - 2006 ). Книги написаны за 15 лет : 1990-2005. Далее 10 лет - ушло на Распечатку Текстов на ПРОЗА-ру в России : 2006-2016. Работа 25 лет - подарена россиянам здесь. Опыт общения - со 230 Звездами Культуры, Политики, Науки и Искусства России и с Интеллектуальной Элитой Российской Империи ( включая Лидеров Православной Церкви ) - представлен именно - Здесь. Что - я то я - Рад Этому Бесценному Счастью Общения, Благополучию, Комфорту и Миру что имело место в Моей Жизни - как в России и Европе - так и в США с Канадой / /

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